Useful Commands

Travel Commands

All Travel Commands can be accessed by the /ot command or speaking the Old Traveler in spawn.

Home and Spawn

/spawn teleports you to where you joined the server.

/home teleports you to your home.

/sethome sets a new location for your home teleport.

Resource World

This is a place to gather all the resources you need and it is reset often so you will always have new stuff to gather! We use it so we keep our building areas clean and hole free!

/rw tp teleports you to resource overworld.

/rw tp nether  teleports you to resource nether world.

/rw tp end teleports you to resource end world.

Economy Commands

/bal or /balance tells you how much money you have.

/pay [user] [amount] pays a player the amount specified 

example: "/pay bob 10" will pay a player names bob $10.

/baltop will show you the top 10 richest players 

/baltop 2 will show you richest players 11-20 and so on.

Shop Commands

We have 2 shop plugins EZShop and SignShopV4 each are better in there own respects.

Sign Shop v4 (better for buy or selling multiples)

Use a SignShop:
Hit the sign to get a price.
Open/Edit the sign to use it.

Create a SignShop:
place a chest with the amount of item you want to sell or buy.
Place a sign on or near the chest.
Line 1 must on the sign must be [buy] to sell your items to players or [sell] to buy players items from them.
Line 2 & 3 should be a discription of the shop some like 32 Dirt.
Line 4 must be the price.
Now hit the chest with redstone in your hand and then the sign, your shop should now be created.
Once the shop is created now you can stock it with more of the item!

EzShop (better for selling single items and has hologram)

Use a EzShop:
Open the chest  item in the center is beening  bought and/or sold.
Selecting green dye will buy the item shown.
Selecting red dye will sell the item shown to the shop.

Create a EzShop:
Hold the item you want to buy and/or sell.
Look at the chest
Type /ezchestshop create [buy price] [sell price] type 0 if you don't want to buy or sell and it will disable it.
All EzShop settings can be changed later by opening the shop.

Animal Claiming

RPG Horse Commands

/horse claim  will add  a horse, donkey, or  mule to your stable if you have  tamed it and have a saddle on it.
/horse will open your stable if you have horses and selecting a horse will  allow you to spawn, ride, upgrade, ad d trails, sell, and more.
Note: renaming is currently only available on Java.
/horse market will show horses for sale.

Protecting your Property

Protecting Storage

When placing a chest it will automatically lock
/lock locks chest, doors, and all containers.
/unlock to unlock anything that is  locked.
/cmodify [user] add the user to the existing lock protection.
/chopper on will allow hopper flow into or out of locked containers.
/lwc flag autoclose on will autoclose doors you open and can be applied to any locked door.

Protecting Land & Buildings

Instructions to be added at a later date.
we use worldguard.